I recently sold my Nikon D80 camera body and 50 mm f/1.8 lens to my friend Alisha. I am now using the Nikon D300 and absolutely love it! I am trying to patiently wait for my new 50 mm f/1.4 to come, it's been back ordered for weeks! Actually it's probably good, I want to get to know my other lenses a bit better. I have been shooting in manual mode for a while now, but with the new camera I am finding myself thinking a bit more about the process, so that coupled with some fun lenses I have sitting in the bag I need to get playing around!
These two precious, pink, pics of Grace were taken with my 60 mm f/2.8 macro lens. It's a macro so it can get WAY UP close to your subject, but that's not all...It's also a great portrait lens (just like the 50 mm) and can be used as so, as seen here.
People usually ask what lenses I use the most, like the best, etc.. so maybe over the next week or two I will post some pictures taken with a variety of lenses and why I like and use each the way I do!
I was just reading about that lens (kind of obsessive about SLRs right now -- a girl can dream), in that it should be the second lens you purchase.
Enjoy your new camera. Someday we'll have to chat and you can tell me more about your upgrade.
You're more patient than I am! I would have canceled the order already and reordered it from someone else...but I ahve patience issue, that I'm always working on ;)!
What does Grace's shirt say? I can only make up parts?
What gorgeous shots! I love the light from the window reflected in her beautiful eyes. Perfection.
I'm excited to see what your different lenses do to different pictures. Fun!
So can you help out? I have the 50mm you were talking about, and am still trying to figure out how to get it to focus on the eyes as well as you do. With auto, so often it will pick up the hair around the face or forehead. But can you focus quick enough with manual? Just curious how you get such crisp eyes. I am jealously trying to figure it out!
Ooooo new toys! I love it! Did you say a f/1.8 lens??? Fabulous. I can't wait to see your experiments.
I'm jealous of all your gear! Just kidding. If I ever make any money, I can get some myself! I love learning what people used for their shots, so I am enjoying the info. I have so much to learn...
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