My first ever introduction was to a Mac in 4th grade playing Oregon Trail. Our family soon after bought a PC. In high school we used PCs, in college Macs. Mark and I have always had PCs until this past year. We now have Macs among us and I can't decide which one is better. I use both of my computers...some things I prefer on the PC and others on the Mac. I like whatever will get the job done...the fastest & easiest! Am I missing something I should know about either one that should sway my vote? Right now I stand in the middle. How about you?
Leave me a comment! I will randomly draw a name Thursday night 8 p.m. The winner will receive this collection of three of my favorite macro 8x10 prints from 2008.
Hi, Kim, this is Dana's mom. First let me say how much I enjoy visiting your blog and looking at your photos. You do amazing work! As to computer choice, I use a pc at home and at work. However, at work, our graphic designer couldn't live without her MAC. Also, let me say that you have two beautiful children and I look forward to watching them grow up on your blog.
Really a give way! Sign me up. I am a PC girl purely because I have not saved enough pennies for a MAC. I would love a MAC, just not there yet. Soon I hope.
I am a PC girl, but not because I like it more than a MAC....I am afraid of the unknown and a MAC is in the 'land of unknown!'
I have only ever had a PC. So I guess that's what I vote for. Loving the pics!
I love my PC. I can't give up the CTRL button...or the right-click.
I am so clueless when it comes to the differences between the 2. I had to wait until my computer geek hubby came home to ask him. Sad, I know. We are PCers. He says that he thinks I would prefer a Mac though.
I am most familiar with a PC and the MAC is really unfamiliar to me. I do love though that on the MAC laptops, the charger cable is a magnet so if your kid/you/anyone trips on the cord the whole computer doesn't come with it. We have ruined 2 laptops that way...
I love your blog, I saw it on one of my friend's blog. At any rate, I had to post my opinion because I LOVE my MAC. I grew up with PC's and also Mac as a kid (similar to your story in college as well). But now I would NEVER switch back to a PC. I am a Kindergarten Teacher and Mac's are all we use in our District. They are fabulous and surprisingly 'user friendly' and very easy for children to use as well. From a photographer's point of view (which I am not), I think Mac's tend to be more useful for videos, graphics, photos and movies. Whereas, the PC's are more 'business' friendly.
I have to say, I feel the same way--I'd had a Mac for a long time, until it was incompatible with the network at med school & now we have one of each. I like our Mac & think it's fun but I like the PC better for some things. we'll probably have one of each for a long time...
I have a PC, but I would want a Mac because you can get the cute colors and I love the glowing apple on the front...but that probably isn't a major criteria, huh?
Think I'll ever win one of your drawings...? Yeah, me neither, but it's still fun to play.
I think Macs are confusing to use (although I'm sure once you get to know them they're not too bad) and they're definitely not good for business-use. So I'll stick with my lovely lime-green Dell! Oh, and I'm not entering the drawing b/c I'm sure you'd be willing to give your lil sis free shots any time!
I like both my PC and the Mac. I think there are pros and cons to both. I think its good to be familiar with both because there are people who refuse to learn on a MAC and its good to be able to know how to use both.
I'm def a PC kinda girl. But thats only because i've never really used a Mac. But i do prefer the LOOK of the Mac's... mighty fine lookin! :)
I would have to agree with you on only using a MAC in elementary school (loved Oregon Trail), but since then I have always used a PC at home or work. I am really only comfortable with a PC :)
PS I love the pictures!
We had a MAC growing up, but I've only used a PC as an adult and I still stink at that. Maybe you could give me a lesson. Love those pics Kim.
We are currently PC people, but I have a feeling our next computer will be a Mac!
Mac or PC I don't know...but your pictures are gorgeous.
I'm a first time reader and I am very impressed at first site.
I have a mac laptop and i've loved it. I have yet to have a virus after around 6 years and the only thing I've had to do to it is get a new battery this year. Not bad for a computer that is used every day. Although I don't use all of the graphic abilities that come with a mac I do know that Leah and Matt (who do design) swear by macs.
I hope you had a good Christmas. I saw your sisters and it was fun chatting with Diana out in the hall when we were 'supposed' to be in RS. I saw Darin but didn't get a chance to say hi to him though. Hope all is well!
Man, I have MEMORIES of playing the Oregon Trail - what a great game!
We have a PC for now (hopefully not too much longer) ..... but definitely a MAC next time! What do you like about your PC and what do you like about your MAC from a design point of view??
BTW, if you draw my comment you can just bring the picture when I see you next week!!! :)
I've only used PCs in recenet years, but my siter swears by her Mac. I heard Macs are more virus-free, so that makes me want a Mac.
If I comment twice does that double my chances? JK- I have always used a pc so I don't know if I would like a Mac better, maybe I'm missing out on something too! I will have to read the comments to find out...but I'm crossing my fingers for the prints!
We have macs and Dan has become quite the wizard on all their bells and whistles and advantages. So really, if you ever want to rattle his brain for information (as well as the different photo editing options on the Mac) he'd be happy to talk about it. Most of the things people think a Mac can't do (like the right click etc.) they really can--just need to go through the little learning curve. I love "pages" for doing documents.
I'm a PC lover, but I think that's only because it's all that I use. The 1 or 2 times that I've played around on a Mac, I just got confused and gave up... so by default, I say PC! :)
PC for me. I think I used a Mac when I was younger too but honestly can't remember anything about them so I guess I am pretty oblivious to the differences. Although, my friend just got a Mac and has liked the change.
We had this same dilemma a few months ago when we upgraded computers. Both of us used MACs in college and there seem to be a lot of great programs (photo editing, movie editing, etc.) that are only made for MACs. MACs seem to be the computer of choice for people who are hard core. We ended up going with a PC but, I don't know. PCs are more universal, I kinda prefer MACs in a lot of ways though...
Boy was that helpful??
Good luck!
I just like a computer that works and is fast.
Really what I want in your 2008 photo collection : )
We have both, and we hate our PC. A lot. For me the answer is easily Mac. It gives us FAR fewer problems (including but not limited to viruses) and we do all our video-editing on there.
Have you read all these comments? Collectively, it is quite the amusing read. :)
And I am ordering a skin for my PC so I can have a cute color.
Kim, I'm dyin' for these flower photos! SO GREAT. As for the computer question. We have a PC and a MAC labtop. Mac is better, but I barely know about to use the thing! So I'm no help at all.
We have and use both. I am like you and in the middle. I don't know all the cool features of the Mac yet but I know it has a lot to offer. As always, love the shots.
Holy moly you had a lot of comments on this. But I have to put my two cents in, too. I learned Photoshop on a Mac and I LOVED it. I only have a PC at home and I miss a lot of things about the Mac. My next computer is going to be a Mac.
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