What can I say about this little Miss? She is wiggly, smiley, on the go, happy, sleepy, drooly, laughs a lot and warms our hearts.
Speaking of hearts. Grant came home the other day from school and said a boy wouldn't play with him and it made his heart hurt down to the bottom. Luckily Kindergartners are quick to forget or forgive and they were playing happily the next day. Grant is imaginative, never tired, inquisitive, happy, all things car loving and full of life. We just love this boy.
Last week I was feeling like my days were a bit empty even though I stay very busy and as I was contemplating this one evening I realized it was because Grant isn't around....and I miss him.
Drawing tonight at 7 p.m. Go comment if you haven't already! Click here.
I feel the same way about Madie there is something that just doesn't feel complete until she comes home from school, loving the polka dots.
I just love those polkas! I adore chubby little legs in leggings...miss those around here. Little man would look a little strange in some snuggly leggings.
Kim, I just love these pics of Grace. So clever, and sooooo cute! Thanks for the point in the right direction on websites. Now...we'll see. Maybe in a month or so!
Where does Grant come up with his one liners? What a cute kid!
Grace is just a happy and joyful looking as ever!
Are those tights or leggings that Grace is wearing? Adorable...
LOVE the boots!! Just too cute!
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