Change has been on my mind for many, many months now and in the making for that much more. THANK YOU to all my loyal blogging buddies, family and friends who have encouraged and supported me along the way. And to those of you who have allowed me to photograph you, your children and families. It has been a wonderful journey finding photography again and sharing it with you!
I have to mention my super talented sis-in-law, Tami who designed my new logo and blog banner! Mark, my hubby who has always supported me in my goals, hobbies & aspirations no matter how small they might be...and he's my ongoing technical computer support!
As a bit of celebration and to entice you to go take a look, please leave me a comment and I will be doing a random drawing of three people, the prize being an 8x10 print of choice from my petals or field galleries. Go take a peak and if you've never commented please do, I'd love to meet you!
I will draw three names Tuesday Sept. 23rd at 7 p.m. (Central Time)
Congrats! (It's about time!!!) I love the creative titles and as always am in LOVE with the petal section...although the sweetest peas steal my heart too! I've just been watching the pictures flip from one to another...over and over again.
Simply Beautiful. Great name, "a green field" even if I was a bit too blonde to 'get it'... :)
Congrats again!
Now, I've got to go and redirect my feedburner, gotta make sure I get each and every blogpost still!
Love the new look!! It's such a fun and pleasant site & you are so talented! Everything looks great!
Kim, the look is perfect. You are beyond clever.
Can't wait to explore more.
Absolutely amazing Kim! It has been so fun to anticipate seeing this. I have loved listening to you talk about the process and I sure am inspired by your creativity. You know how I feel about this photography talent of yours...Way to go, I love the changes!!! Love, Nat
I am so very impressed. You amaze me Kim. I'm thrilled for you.
Your website looks fantastic! I love the names of all the little groupings, sweetest peas, etc... and all your pic's are amazing, as usual! I need to figure out when Rebekah wants to book her senior pic's with you.
I love the blck and white baby legs in the one picture... ;-) cute!
WOW! This is exciting! I love the new look and your pictures!
Soooo excited for you! I love the new look. Maybe when you head on over to Oregon I could have you photograph my kiddos! Goodluck with everything! Jaime
I love your new logo and name! How clever! Super cute!
Super creative. The name is PERFECT, especially because you love doing outdoor shots. Love it!
Oh. My. Gosh. It's even better than I'd imagined!!!! LOVE the play on words.....so clever. I love the bright, cheery feel of your website. So, so cute!
And what will you do with all your free time now that you've got your site up and running??? Heehee! :)
Pick me pick me pick me!!!
I mean...I love your changes! You are amazing. What else is there to say?
Oh Kim...it's just beautiful! Good luck with your adventure! Miss you a lot...
Jana J
Hi - I'm Diana's friend, and I love your pictures. Your kids are adorable, and you are very talented! Keep up the good work!
Congrats, how fun looks like you and Tami have been working hard.
Man the competition for the free print is getting tough! I've enjoyed perusing both your blog and photography website for the past hour or so. I think you need to raise your prices for your photoshoot's, though. I'm sure you spend tons of time editing the shots and that should be more reflected in the prices.
Tami did a great job with all the cute labels and header. Way to go!!
Love how you are not hiding your talent under a bushel!!
If I am the winner I would like the close up pink zinnia print. Now to see who's lucky day it is!
Proud of you!
Very cute blog! You are a professional with the understanding that "simple" is very complex. Here's to many years of beautiful pictures to come!
Did I mention that I LOVE IT!
This new site is amazing!!! I love your business site. The fields gallery is so fantastic.
Congratulations on following your dreams! Now why can't you live closer so you can photograph my kids?
Love the new blog page! I thought you were going to say Grant drew all the pictures... either way, they are adorable! I'm glad things are going so well with you and your photography. You are amazingly talented!!
Love it all Kim!!
All the waiting and anticipation was well worth it! It (you) is (are) amazing. What a clever name for your business, and I love all the other clever little touches. Not to mention the photography. It all just blows me away. Thanks for being such an inspiration!
Hey Kim,
I just gotta say I love opening my google reader daily and getting to see all the amazing photos you have taken, you have such a wonderful talent. Here's to many wonderful years of watching your cute kiddow grow.
Katie Tucker
Wooohooooooo!! Congrats on all of this! It's so perfect and cute. I love it!
Cute new blog Kim - looking forward to being able to check it out further.
I love your new blog! you have always been so creative. I love the pictures you capture of your kids. They will be so grateful later when they grow up. Here's to more years of amazing pictures! Good luck lets keep in touch! Angie
Kim! I love the new site! You can definitely tell the hard work you put into it! Tami is very talented as well!
Congratulations on your new name and venture! We love reading your blog. You take incredible pictures! We look forward to seeing all the pics of Gma Lee's BDay reunion. (Jenny Greenfield Hawkes)
Hey Kim! Everything looks fantastic. Thanks for dropping by yesterday, it was nice to talk with you! Come over anytime. :)
Hi Kim...Looks great. Lots of creative work there and i love your banner and company name. My brother and I are talking about going into consulting when we retire from our day jobs and one of the name we've kicked around is Green Field Quality Consulting.
You might want to check the link right at the beginning of your intro... a green field Photograhpy...it doesn't seem to go anywhere.
Dad G
Great new look! I will be calling you for some family photographs soon! :)
I love your new site... and the new logo! How cute!!!
I LOVE love LoVe the new site! It is beautiful! You are so talented, I can't wait for our next family session! I would really like a print from your gallery so PICK ME!!!! I promise you years of revenue from my semiannual family photos! :)
Great job to you and Tami. I get chills looking at all of it. SUPERB!
WOW!! It looks GREAT!! WAY TO GO!! Congrats to you!!
You are so talented, Kim! I wish we lived closer so we could hire you to take our family pics!
I came across your blog thru Angela and I just love your photography. You are an inspiration to me.
I have been following your work for quite a while. Kim H. is a friend and in my ward.
Great look, great talent!
I have been following your work for quite a while. Kim H. is a friend and in my ward.
Great look, great talent!
I frequently Check your blog to see ur wonderful photography!! I hope to be able to use your skills someday!
I am Jen M SIL and I love your work. Hopefull one day when we make it that way we can give you a call to photograph our princesses.
Wow- this is what i should do to find out who's enjoying your blog. I love the new look, name and style. My favorite part about your photography site is the way the album number turns a color and the pictures rock back and forth. Fun and interactive.
I am good friends with your sister Jessi and told her last year that I was wanting to get into photography more. She told me about your blog (because I had seen a super cute picture you had taken of her) and I love seeing your creativity. You definitely have an eye for design and capturing personalities of many people. Thanks for sharing!!
Beautiful, Kim => Good Luck with it all and hope maybe I'll win? =>
~Elyse E
You are amazing! Your website looks fantastic!
I love it! ...very professional. I like how your category names and photography name go together -- things in nature that would be in a green field. Way to go, Kim!!
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