Saturday, January 10, 2009

Gracie Growls

Many sounds have been coming from Grace it was growling.

And the peanuts...


hope said...

I love her toofers peaking through!

Mama Nirvana said...

I swear, if I had a girl, she would wear tights everyday. You have to link to the peanut toy. I think we need one.


co•lin fam•i•ly said...

you MUST record would be so fun to hear! isn't it funny the certain toys they become SO attached to!

Beth said...

I was calling shops in search of a gigantic dog house the other day and Addie was growling in the background and the lady on the phone goes "oh is that one of your dogs now?" I laughed and told her it was my daughter and she was very embarrased... hehe.

Cari said...

So funny!! Where do you get her tights?!

Cami said...

She is just so cute especially with those peanuts.

Jessica M said...

The growl face made me laugh. So cute!

As for traditions, we also do homemade pizza and a movie on Friday nights! We often do homemade smoothies and popcorn to go with the movie, love it!