Grant is turning six on the nineteenth. I just love this little boy so much. It has been fun to watch him grow and mature this past year in so many aspects. Two major things happened; he started school and a new baby sister. He is thriving in the school environment and enjoys learning. He and Mark enjoy looking up things on the Internet to learn about them. He has a very good vocabulary and is working hard at reading and he continues to love having Mark read to him each night. I thoroughly enjoy watching him use his imagination while he plays, right now he's really into making sound effects. Grant still likes all things cars, trucks, planes, trains, etc.. and his favorite animal of late is a tucan, because it has beautiful colors. He is a lover of being outdoors and exploring, playing, digging, and wandering. Grant enjoys homemade cheese pizza and a movie with family every Friday night. Grant started piano this year and although isn't thrilled about practicing he does well (he played Jolly Old Saint Nicholas in his recital). He cares for others and is a good friend. Grant loves his baby sister with all his might and is a wonderful big brother. Gracie's eyes light up when Grant's around. When asked what nickname he has/would like he said, "G-Rant" that is what his dad calls him. He prefers "honey-buns" from mom. As we were all piled on our bed the other night once again the thought, life is good entered my mind.
Have I mentioned how much I love this boy?
I love the hat!
Yes, you've mentioned it many time, but you can't really say it enough.
Happy Birthday, Grant! You have grown up before my eyes and are such an amazing, smart and happy little boy.
what a sweet picture! He's adorable and I love his outfit. =) Thanks for the nice comment! It's always so nice to hear from other photographers. Beautiful pics!
Love the coloring of the picture! Did you do that with an "action?" It looks kind of like the action Leah used on our pictures which I think she said was called Aquatics.
So about your weekly movie nights...Have you seen "Horton Hears A Who?" We haven't but it is a good deal this week at several stores and I am wondering if it is one worth owning.
What a fun big brother! Happy Birthday Grant!
I never realized how many things happen simultaneously here! Zach's b-day is on the same day as Grant's. Our anniversary is the day before, so we will be going for some indoor miniature golf the next day. What lucky boys to get a half-day on their birthday! Happy Birthday Grant!!!
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