For the past several weeks I have been reflecting on the concept of gratitude, even taught a lesson on it. What it is, what it means to me. How my life is full of many things to be thankful for and how much better it is, when I recognize those things. Early this morning after getting Gracie back to sleep again I lay awake counting my mind drifting from one thing to another, mostly thinking of my family. I thought of the day's and week's events and tried to focus on specific things.... where small blessings happened in my everyday goings.
Here are some of my thoughts.
Mark. Not only supports, but encourages me in any and all my adventures of learning, trying, setting goals, re-setting goals, house ideas, garden ideas. Loving his children so, so muchy. Lover of road trips and adventures. Always seeking for bigger and better opportunities at work, but putting his family first. And my best friend who I dream about the future with.
Grant. My son. My little best friend. My squeezer and snuggler. I was so proud to hear such wonderful things about the boy I love so much at his school conference. He is enjoying learning and thriving at school. We are appreciative of his great teacher! He is a very good brother.
Grace. My daughter. She makes me so happy. She is always happy and smiley. I love to stare and photograph her. She's very squishable. She is curious and active and makes our family complete.
Beauty of the earth. On the way to piano lessons the other day I gasped..."Grant! Look at those brilliant colors! See that red, it's almost crimson!"
Little things. Like a cool or warm breeze. Thunderstorms. Listening to Grant play the piano all by himself or sound out a word. A piece of real snail mail from a loved one. Waking up happy. Getting organized. Moose Munch at Costco.
Friends. A friend I can call and we talk about cupcakes. A friend who drives two hours so we can run four miles together. A friend I can call the day after and complain about politics. A friend I can call without a reason.
Believing. Because it all makes sense.
Knowing. And being at peace.
Hoping. For a brighter future for my children. To remember all these things and many more that fill my soul.
You have a beautiful life, Kim. I'm glad you wrote it down and shared.
You have a great way of expressing your feelings. I am glad we are friends and are able to stay in contact. Your the best!
This is such a nice post, Kim. Thank you for that wonderful lesson and for getting so many of us blogging about gratitude. One day I hope to become a friend you call without reason. :)
Kim, what a beautiful post. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and for your wonderful lesson (wish I could've been there for the whole thing). I agree with Quincy... :)
Wonderful thoughts thanks for sharing.
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