Grant is pretty much better, but we thought we'd keep him home one more day to make sure he didn't cough all over the kids at church. Not to mention he has poison ivy again, on both hands, arms and face!
You know he feels better when he starts dressing up in his Fighter Pilot gear.
I often wonder what she'll look like with more hair!
My very favorite one:
Those blue eyes are AMAZING!
And the one with Gracie sticking her little tongue out...absolutely adorable!
Brother and sister obviously adore each other. This post would make anyone happy.
That last one is priceless. It seems those moments are to few.
Getting a (great) candid picture with your kids together is an awesome feeling, isn't it? I love the pandas.
We hope Grant feels better! Gracie sure is a piece of love waiting to be squised and kissed ;)
I hope Grant makes it to school. I just love all of those shots. Grace's shirt is just too cute.
I don't know why but these pictures of Grant remind me of Mark. Grace is so gorgeous now without alot of hair. How lucky is she?
I love the last picture too its so cute! Im glad Grant is feeling better there is nothing worse then being sick.
Beautiful photos and beautiful children! Their smiles are wonderfully contagious!
Love all the cute pic's as usual! I LOVE teh little tongue sticking out pic! I have really enjoyed looking at all the pic's of familiar faces I see on your blog. Fun, Fun!
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