Tuesday, October 28, 2008

In Her Room

This is one of those posts to show the grandparents far away how our little girl is growing! They're the ones most likely to be as enthusiastic about these milestones as Mark and I am.

This baby is a mover and a puller upper now! This is how I find her in her crib when she wakes up:

And this is how I found her after I left the room for a few minutes. She was laughing and laughing as she would push on the rocker.

Look at those teeth!

She makes us so happy!


co•lin fam•i•ly said...

I am LOVING her picture in her crib looking up at you! AND the post below. What were you thinking. That cracks me up and makes me feel not so bad as I rarely succeed with eye contact! :)

Anonymous said...

Love her cute little outfits! Looks like she is enjoying her mobility! :)

danakat said...

Wow, she's pretty!
Are those polka dots on her little rolled up jeans?! SO cute!

Bama Holcomb Family said...

Okay, now she is a doll!!!!

Stefanie H said...

My Goodness is that little baby girl Beautiful!! and Great pics.. as usual! :)

Cari said...

This stage has got to be one of my favorites so far. I love the excitement of everything they do. I love the booty shot of her at the rocking chair. She is one of the most smiley babies.

Wendyrful said...

I lve it all, but I LOVE the panda outfit!!! We have alwasy called Amanda - 'Amanda Panda' and we have collected lots of Panda bear paraphenalia over the years. So your little Panda Grace is SOOOOO Cute!