Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Loss of tooth #5, a hair cut and starts 1st grade on Monday!

Have I mentioned how much I love this boy!?


Mama Nirvana said...

School? Already? That's crazy talk -- you should have at least another month. I can't believe Grant is going to be in FIRST GRADE!!! He looks so much like Grace (or Grace like him) in these pictures.


Kim said...

His teeth remind me of Madie's that little gap in the middle the bottom two missing. Can you believe how grown up it makes them look without those baby teeth. I hope he has a great time in first grade.

Diana said...

I think it should be a crime for kids to start school so early!

Bama Holcomb Family said...

I am still waiting for Skylah to lose some. She is a late one compared to the other two. I have the record at 4 teeth at age 4. All at once, too.

He is so handsome! I still can't believe he is going into 1st!

Kim Mayfield said...

His hair cut is so cute!

Lori said...

Love the faces! Such a cute BOY!

Becki said...

Top's a winner! :)

Natalie said...

Love these pictures of Grant, a favorite is the bottom middle! What a great laugh and fun personality. Good luck with back to school!