I photographed my dear friend Amy and her family at one of my favorite places in Corvallis, Chip Ross Park. We lucked out before a rolling thunderstorm came and went home to eat delicious chocolate peanut butter cupcakes!
They all look so good--gorgeous family Amy! I really like the one of the older boys holding hands int the foreground and Amy holdingup Sam in the background!
I love these Kim. Amy looks so pretty and all of the boys look so handsome. I love how you caught snipits of their personalities too. Chip Ross was a great choice.
There are so many pics in this group that I really like. I especially like the one of Amy and her husband (I just forgot his name even though I know it- funny how I remember her calling him dreamboat:) She does look beautiful in these pics! Chip Ross park is a great place for your photography talents!
I'm in heaven right now. I always love your photography but I love it even more when I'm staring a people I know and love.
I love Amy's shirt. LOVE the picture of Mike and Amy---newlywed love is still sparkin' in that picture. And I LOVE the picture of Mike and the boys.
Nice work...you should be able to return in Bama feeling complete now.
They all look so good--gorgeous family Amy! I really like the one of the older boys holding hands int the foreground and Amy holdingup Sam in the background!
She has the best smile! :)
BeeYooTeeFull place, Kim!
And is there a recipe for those cupcakes???
What a cute family. Amy looks so pretty. I want to go there for pictures :), it looks beautiful.
these are the most gorgeous pictures...I want you to come take pics of my family now!
Oooooo, they are ALL so good. I esp. love the one of Amy and her hubby. Very sweet. And now I can even say I've been there! :)
Great work, as always.
It's fun to see Amy and her boys, looks like you had a great time together.
So fun! I love the one of just Amy especially.
I love these :) What a cute family. They look fun to be around. And what a park!]
Oh, I love the last one! And the profile of Amy, what a great shot.
I love these Kim. Amy looks so pretty and all of the boys look so handsome. I love how you caught snipits of their personalities too. Chip Ross was a great choice.
That Second one is my most favorite. :] such a cute picture.
of course ALL your pictures are amazing.
btw. i agree with Dana. How about that recipie? :]
There are so many pics in this group that I really like. I especially like the one of Amy and her husband (I just forgot his name even though I know it- funny how I remember her calling him dreamboat:) She does look beautiful in these pics! Chip Ross park is a great place for your photography talents!
OH, so cute! I love the one of Amy by herself. She looks sooooo beautiful!
I love the close up of Amy alone - so gorgeous!
Oh beautiful! I love #4 (the family shot) and #9 the dazzling one of Amy and her beautiful smile. What a beautiful setting!
oh my goodness I love these pictures. I love the one of Amy talking to J on the trail. So beautiful, all of them.
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