Friday, April 03, 2009

This &'s already Friday!

My dad left first earlier this week, then Mark on a quick business trip, followed by my mom. The house has been quiet, we miss them already. Grace even walked to the stairs the other morning looking for Nana. Only a couple short months and we'll be in Oregon!

Reasons I love my parents to come visit:
-they're my parents
-love being with the kids
-they help out
-encourage and allow Mark and I to go on dates
-do yard work
-allow me to get things done by myself if needed
-like to work on projects
-like to go new places and learn new things
-listen to and teach my children
-they enjoy being with us

Grant came home Wednesday looking pretty sad. I asked how school was and he quietly answered, not very good. I asked if he had gotten a strike (a little "x" on his daily sheet meaning he didn't follow directions) and he nodded his head. I asked what for...hitting the teacher...April Fools! He was a pretty good little actor! He went on a field trip this week to a petting zoo and has been learning about animals.

Progress continues out back and even some near completions of certain areas. Yay!

The weather never ceases to amaze me here. That's all I'm going to say about it.

If you read Pioneer Woman's blog, she featured the other day-redbud. Just this past weekend I learned about this beautiful blossom; had seen it and finally learned it's name. It just paints the trees with it's brilliance here and I am so happy to take it in as I drive around.

Grace's little personality is coming forth in full force. She definitely knows what she wants and has the cutest little fits if she doesn't get it- complete with throwing herself on the floor, looking up at you and if that doesn't do it she'll flip herself over on her tummy and continue the fit. She had her one year check up. 20 pounds, 31 inches. Here she is doing something else she does a lot....laughing...


Mama Nirvana said...

So glad you had a fun visit with your parents -- and I'm counting the days until you come out here!


Ryan and Lori said...

Grant is too funny! I love Grace's laugh!

Lisha said...

What I fun post, I love reading your 'this and that.'

Cami said...

So sorry your parents are gone. So excited to see you here.

Wendyrful said...

What fun that your parents got to come visit! Grant cracks me up! too funny! Hitting the teacher?!?! I just couldn't believe it! And Gracie is of course just so darn cute!!! Thanks for spending time with us yesterday! Can't wait to see your work! (but take your time...)