Thursday, January 01, 2009

This Is The Year!

If you've been around me lately you may have heard me say this phrase more than once, this is the year! I am very much looking forward to this upcoming new year and some long awaited goals to be resolved. Last year was fantastic, what a good year! Grace Ann joined our family, we traveled, we were visited, we are enjoying life in Alabama greatly. But, this is the year I want to accomplish some things personally in all areas of my life. I'm not going to list them here as they are mine. But maybe along the way if I get some things crossed off the list you might see them shared.

Happy New Year Everyone!!! And Happy Birthday Mom!


hope said...

Good luck, girl!! This will be the year for many wonderful and grand things, I can feel it!!

Mama Nirvana said...

Go, Kim!


Ditto Family said...

I always look forward to coming home from a trip and catching up on your blog. Looks like you are still busy as ever with your photoshoots. Love your optimism for this coming year. I enjoyed visiting with your mom a bit this past weekend in Oregon.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!