Grant is still enjoying school and has made some good friends. We had a nice conference with his teacher. With this nice Fall weather Grant has been going out back each day after school. Somewhere he seemed to have gotten poisen ivy once again....will someone please come point it out to us! He's back there every day 'exploring' late into the afternoon.
Our Gracie girl is crawling faster and faster. She's caught on to the game, "I'm going to get you!" and will lightning speed crawl and laugh to get away. She laughs and squeels quite easily and we happily squeeze her so she does. She pulls up everywhere and likes to get herself in hard to reach places. She's mastered falling from standing and is not afraid. Anything and everything still goes straight to her mouth....which is still drools!
I love watching them interact. She loves him, he loves her. He makes her laugh and she makes him happy.
organization & preparedness.
I have once again been organizing and dejunking things. I have been redoing my office, it's just about there. But more importantly I have been reorganizing the pantry to make room for our food storage! I'm very excited that will have a bulk of food stored away. We have always struggled in finding a balance in what to keep and rotating items. In WA we had our large basement and had a pretty good amount of canned goods, but when we moved out here they all expired and were thrown out. Mark is going to the cannery this weekend and bringing back loads of wheat, rice, flour, beans, etc...
fall colors.
This picture was taken a few days too late, but our forest has just been beautiful, I love looking out the back window and seeing the leaves fall. One thing I love about Alabama is on those perfect days the sky is really that blue. (And yes, the grass is really that brown; something I don't care about AL, the brown grass during the winter.)
Grant started piano lessons at the beginning of the school year. He has been doing well and is working on a song for an upcoming Christmas concert.
We are heading to Idaho soon for Thanksgiving. We are excited to see family and friends. Grant cannot wait to play with his cousins Gage and Cole!
Mark starts a new job with a new company this next week. I am grateful he's always looking for new opportunities. I also got a new phone...the iphone, so if you have at&t give me a call! I haven't tried its picture taking abilities yet, but hear they're quite good.
just stuff.
birds nest found in a tree in the backyard.
more sunflowers
our family gratitude jar
Well, that was a fun read.
I love gratitude jars too!
And you really don't like the brown grass? :) I guess because I grew up here, the brown grass was always one of the signals that holiday and football weather is coming. It warms me.
Finally I get to see your piano -- it's beautiful.
You know, it's all a trade -- sunny fall weather and brown grass or rainy, mushy fall weather and green grass.
Sounds like life is busy and that things are going well. Fun to see what your up to.
fun post. I have to admit i noticed your grass and its brown-ness before actually reading what you wrote. I think you should turn the sprinklers on :) Your painting above the piano is perfect.
Tell Grant congrats on learning the piano! I'm proud of him. It's hard to still and practice.
What a fun update. So much going on. Gavin also started piano. It's with me so not so structured.
I love the brown grass because it gives me a break from mowing. We can start working on our beds a little more. Is that painting over your piano one that you painted? I really like it.
This is a great post Kim! I really love your photos- they are so refreshing- like taking a deep breath of fresh air. Sorry I haven't visited your site for a while. I've been meaning to thank you for the wonderful picture that I won. I've been waiting to get a good frame for it and hang it above my desk and then send you a picture. I thought I would expain why I chose the picture of the cotton bud- because it will remind me of where you were when your photography really took off- in Alabama! It also matches my new desk!:) Hope you have a great day! P.S. I just posted a picture on my blog along with a long story about my nieces baptism. I was very pleased with the way the first photo turned out and would love your opinion on it. My occasionally "good"
photos don't come nearly as often as your daily "excellent" photos! I still have not gotten any training.
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