Saturday, August 16, 2008

Dear John,

Dear John,

Thank you so much for coming today to save our atrocious lawn and putting a permanent smile on my son's face (and quite a big grin on his father's too). Yin and Yang are starting to become balanced again in our yard. I was even inspired to go pull weeds and the ever encroaching Bermuda grass that has completely over taken my bulb garden. My life is a little more, no make that a lot more at peace, knowing nicely trimmed grass is in my future. Thanks John, you're a real dear!

Much Love.


Some random journaling thoughts...

I have been thinking about a close friend quite a bit over these past few days. I'm reminded how fragile life is and how wonderful family and friends make it. Life is full of challenges, really, who doesn't have any?

Today is my dad's birthday, Happy Birthday Dad! When you come to visit we'll let you drive the new tractor!

Mark has been super busy this past week with work and young men's stuff so evenings have been a bit quiet. Those of you who know us well, know that we were not ones at enforcing a bed time with Grant. Even when Grace came along...we'd all stay up together, piled in our king bed. I love it. But, with school starting we knew that would have to end. You'll be proud to know that we have been sticking with and enforcing a bed really my evenings have been quiet. I have had lots of time to peruse the Internet and watch a bit of the Olympics. Some thoughts about those two subjects; no one really blogs or emails over the weekend, am I the only one who checks? Athletes have always impressed me, but Olympic athletes are amazing. My father in law competed in the Olympics as a Gymnast.

With a little bit of time on my hands during the day and ignoring of my long list of real to dos I have been having some creative brainstorms of sorts. I like to say I have visions of what I want things to look like (my yard, my empty walls in our bedroom, the blurb book I keep putting off, etc...) If I try hard enough maybe some of things will happen AND some things off my real to do list, like touch up paint all the hand print smudges on the walls and clean the baseboards and mop the hardwood floors.

The weather of late has been very mild, really quite nice some days. I wish I had some visitors to share this with, then they wouldn't think Alabama is so bad.

Oregon. It's beautiful, it's green, it's where my family lives. I'm taking the kids there in October. When I talked to my dad today he said he was spraying the apples so there would still be some when we come. Grant loves to pick apples with Papa and make apple pies and apple cider with him. I'm smiling just thinking about it. I love Oregon, especially in the Fall.

Two friends of mine are having babies soon. I can't believe how fast the infant stage went with Grace. She is such a doll and such a good baby. I love to squeeze her and give her kisses, Grant and Mark do too. Have I mentioned she spits, and it's very cute.

As I mentioned before Grant is enjoying Kindergarten. He brought home a packet of work he completed, I have a little folder to keep it in and am excited to see the progress throughout the year. He has enjoyed playing Lincoln Logs during center time and good guy, bad guy during recess; of course he's a good guy. I enjoy him each morning and there's always a conversation about some type of car, truck or automobile before he heads out for the day. We have been driving him to and from school, but he wants to ride the bus...that may happen sooner than later as the car lines at school are a bit long.

I was looking over the calendar and wishing there was just one weekend we didn't have a single thing planned. I think we're going to have to plan for that.

That's it for now, life is good.


Ditto Family said...

I love it when you throw in your journaling thoughts occasionally. I check blogs all weekend too but rarely update mine on the weekend. Guess I feel guilty sitting in front of the computer for a long time on the weekend when everyone is home. If I did, though, then I wouldn't have so much blog catching up to do when I finally do get around to posting something.

I'm glad Grant is enjoying his first few weeks of kindergarten. My kids start a week from next Tuesday. They are all really looking forward to it. Tyler is going to do an art camp this week--something I'm sure Grant would LOVE if you lived here.

Enjoy your new John Deer. Bro. Mertin would be jealous : )

Jen said...

As much as I love your photography I really enjoy when you take the time to write down your thoughts.

And yes, I also check blogs on the weekend but rarely post myself.

hope said...

I envy you. I was sad to leave Oregon so soon. At least we made it to Multnoma Falls. I love them!!

The "real todo list" for me just keeps growing. I don't think I have ever really FINISHED anything on it.

I would love to plan for a free saturday, too.

Love the tractor. So much fun!! Shawn hooked up a small trailer to ours when we got it and gave the kids a little hayride.

I can't believe how much Grace has grown. I have wanted to make her a bracelet, but alas, my craft room has been merged with my mom's stuff and the beads are buried. And I have been having so many thoughts lately on them.

Oh, and I post more on weekends now, I think, since our weeks have been so overrun with Chaos. I keep trying to kick him out again, but CHaos just doesn't take a hint.

Julie said...

I randomly post- sometimes on the weekends and sometimes not. I am jealous of your Dear! Oh, but then I wouldn't have the Saturday workout of mowing the lawn. I guess I just don't need John. I'm glad Grant is enjoying school!