Friday, February 15, 2008

Friday Fun...

.....not so fun?

I'm in a slump. Maybe it's the pregnancy hormones or really, I've dispensed just about all my photography tips I can think of...seriously. So, any ideas? Someone had asked if my Friday Funs were where each Friday I took Grant out to find fun things to take pictures of...what a great idea. Maybe I'll try that.

Until then or whenever I get some more creative juices flowing...have a great weekend!!! I hope you're doing something fun!


Jessica M said...

Ahhh, you've hit the "mad-pregnant-woman" stage. You must be getting close!! Bowl of ice cream, date with Mr Darcy, sleep.

co•lin fam•i•ly said...

You could always jump into Photoshop tips...:D

co•lin fam•i•ly said...

I had another that okay? Body parts, how to capture each part (the hands, or feet, etc.) you do an AWESOME job with eyes, you could start there ;).

I haven't mentioned it in a while but I just LOVE Grant's blue eyes...another thing I am hoping for eyes and cutesy flower hair pieces!