Saturday, January 12, 2008

Jane Austen

For those of you who love Jane Austen as much as I do, PBS is airing, Masterpiece Theatre: The Complete Jane Austen starting tomorrow night.


Nancy Clark said...

I've been counting down the days... Coincidentally, I just happen to be re-reading Persuasion right now, so thought about re-reading each novel before seeing the corresponding movie, but I think I'll be too excited wait!

co•lin fam•i•ly said...

I saw a commercial for this and thought of you :)

Lisha said...

Thanks for sharing, I LOOOOOOVE Jane Austen! I'm going to go program it on my DVR right now!

Alli said...

Oh Yay! I'm so excited. Thanks for the info.

danakat said...

ooohhhh thanks!!!
LOVE her!!!
I'll need this with hubby gone.

Ditto Family said...

Funny that you mention this--last Sunday when I was relaxing in bed I turned on PBS and got caught into an old movie. Guess what it was--Jane Austin. I am not familiar with any of her stuff--not sure how I missed out on it. Anyway, I really enjoyed what I watched. So does this mean that their are lots of Jane Austin books/movies?

Ditto Family said...

Wait, I just went to that web link you had--Am I thinking of the wrong movie? Last week I watched Jane Ere--is that the same person?