Saturday, December 29, 2007

...and More Family...

Probably my favorite shot from Christmas....everyone gathered Christmas morning at the top of the stairs waiting to go down. My parents at the bottom, my dad's expression with just as much excitement as the kids:

C a year old!

Can't get enough of this cutie!

H and mom...

Nature walk with Papa:


TamBaum said...

can we crop that one a little bit lower to cut off my fat roll?!? Great pictures, as usual.

Diana said...

Oh puhleaze Tami... i fail to see the 'fat roll' I think the birthday boy looks like he's straight out of how the Grinch stole Christmas; what a cutie. They're all fabulous as usual Kim. I love how the kids are all so photogenic--obviously a gift from the Fletcher and Greenfield sides as we all know the Baumgartners are not very photogenic :0)

Lisha said...

I love the Christmas morning picture, too, how fun!!!

Amy said...

OH Pulease Diana! The photo-genetics are also found in the Baumgartners. Well, maybe it skipped over my little No. 1 but I love the going home a looking at all your fam's Senior pics. Also the entry way pic of previous Christmas's is adorable. LOVE the pic Kim I'll be talking to you about placing an order.